Stay safe online



Protect Your Shopping Experience

In GYMDESCUENTO, your safety is our priority. Here we provide information and tips on how to protect yourself online while browsing and shopping on our platform.


Secure passwords

Use strong, unique passwords for your account on GYMDESCUENTO. What. Avoid using the same password on multiple sites and change it regularly. Never share your password with anyone and be sure to log out after using the platform.


Software updates

Keep your operating system, browser and any security software up to date. Updates often include security patches that protect your device from potential online threats.


Secured purchases

When shopping, make sure you're in a safe place. Look for the lock in the address bar and use secure payment methods, such as secure credit cards. Do not share sensitive information, such as your credit card number, through unsecured e-mail.


Phishing and Fraudulent Emails

Watch out for suspicious emails. Do not click on links or download files from unreliable sources. GYMDESCUENTO you will never request personal information via unsecured e-mail.